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Kyleena vs. Mirena: A Detailed Comparison

7 Apr 2023
Kyleena vs Mirena

Among numerous birth control methods available on the market these days, an intrauterine device (IUD) occupies a very special place. It is a relatively new way to prevent pregnancy for a substantial time period.

The most popular brands of IUDs are Kyleena, Mirena, Paragard IUD, Liletta IUD, Skyla IUD, and Copper IUD. Below, you will find a detailed comparison of Mirena IUD vs. Kyleena, – two very similar but nevertheless not identical intrauterine devices.

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The General Information on Kyleena and Mirena

Let us start this Mirena vs. Kyleena comparison with a short overview of both brands. Below, you will find the most important information on both birth control solutions. So, how about delving into the world of OB-GYNs together?


Mirena is a hormonal birth control intrauterine device (also known as a hormonal IUD) manufactured by Bayer. While being approved by FDA, it is a safe method of preventing pregnancy for a substantial time period (up to eight years).

Also, it is essential to mention that Mirena is a T-shaped plastic device. After being injected into the uterus to prevent pregnancy, it starts to release a progestin hormone called levonorgestrel, which eventually leads to the following outcomes:

  • The mucus in the cervix becomes thicker and, therefore, prevents the sperm from reaching the egg;
  • The lining of the uterus becomes thinner and, therefore, partially suppresses ovulation.

As a result, it becomes almost 99% impossible to get pregnant after having the IUD inserted into the uterus. Thus, Mirena functions as an exceptionally reliable method of contraception that does not require any additional ovulation monitoring.

Apart from being a very effective method of birth control, the insertion of the Mirena hormonal IUD might also reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and, therefore, make this period much more comfortable for a woman.


Another hormonal IUD capable to provide a patient with effective birth control is Kyleena. Similar to Mirena, it is produced by Bayer and approved by FDA. Kyleena is a reliable method to prevent pregnancy for a durable period of time (up to five years).

Just like Mirena, Kyleena is a T-shaped device made of plastic. Its main function is to release a progestin hormone (levonorgestrel) in the human body and, therefore, prevent the sperm from reaching the egg and suppress ovulation by means of:

  • Making the mucus in the cervix thicker;
  • Making the lining of the uterus thinner.

Thus, Kyleena functions as one of the most effective hormonal methods to prevent pregnancy in an easy and comfortable way. Under normal circumstances, it provides a patient with 99% of efficiency.

When comparing Kyleena to Mirena, it is also essential to mention that it also has the capability to make the menstrual flow less heavy, as well as take care of the irregular bleeding up until having the IUD removed from the body.
Kyleena and Mirena

The Comparison of Kyleena vs. Mirena IUD

After going through the short overview of Kyleena and Mirena, let us compare and contrast them. Below, you will find the main similarities and differences between these brands of hormonal IUDs.


According to numerous Kyleena vs. Mirena reviews, they are very similar. Here is the list of the main commonalities between them:

  • Kyleena and Mirena are the hormonal IUDs. They both release a progestin hormone called levonorgestrel in order to prevent a patient from getting pregnant (unlike non-hormonal IUDs, such as a Copper IUD);
  • Neither Kyleena nor Mirena protects a patient from sexually transmitted infections (at the same time, however, both hormonal IUDs might create a low risk of a pelvic inflammatory disease due to their power to thicken the mucus in the cervix);
  • Both Kyleena and Mirena might positively affect the menstrual cycle by creating lighter periods (or even suppressing them);
  • The result of Kyleena is fully reversible, just like the one of Mirena. In other words, a patient might be able to get pregnant in just a few months after the IUD removal in most cases;
  • The possible side effects of Kyleena and Mirena are quite similar. In rare cases, their usage might lead to ovarian cysts, pelvic infections, cervical cancer, uterine perforation, liver disease, and other unwanted adverse effects;
  • The contraindications to the usage of both IUDs are also common. For instance, a patient who has an inflammatory reaction as a response to levonorgestrel in their medical history should not use Kyleena, Mirena, or any other progestin-based hormonal IUD (instead, a patient might consider using a non-hormonal Copper IUD);
  • Both hormonal IUDs are exceptionally effective. More precisely, Kyleena and Mirena provide a patient with 99% of effectiveness under normal circumstances.

Based on the above-mentioned resemblances, it becomes visible that Kyleena and Mirena are pretty alike.

It is a common myth that Kyleena and Mirena promote such adverse reactions as weight gain or hair loss. Based on clinical trials and reviews of most women, these hormonal IUDs do not have such impacts on the human body. Vice versa, some patients might even lose weight or experience hair growth while using one IUD or another.

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Despite all the similarities between Mirena and Kyleena, these hormonal IUDs are not identical. So, how about going through their top-3 differences right away?

Difference #1. Size

Many patients have a false assumption that Kyleena and Mirena have the same size. In reality, however, Kyleena is a little bit smaller than Mirena, despite their common T-shape that resembles the uterine cavity.

Difference #2. Hormone Dosage

The dosage of a progestin hormone (levonorgestrel) used in Kyleena and Mirena is also different. Namely, Kyleena employs a slightly lower dose of it if compared to Mirena (still, it does not mean that it is less effective).

Difference #3. Duration of Action

Officially, Kyleena and Mirena might function as birth control devices for five years (it is also worth mentioning that a new IUD might be inserted immediately after the previous one is removed). In practice, however, Mirena’s duration of action is a bit longer than Kyleena’s and equals seven years.

When comparing Kyleena reviews vs. Mirena reviews, it is also important to mention that the latter IUD might be used until the age of 55 if inserted at the age of 45 (unlike Kyleena, that anyway needs to be replaced every five years).

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A Bottom Line

All in all, Kyleena and Mirena are effective methods that help a patient to prevent unplanned pregnancy. These hormonal IUDs have similar working principles, indications, contraindications, side effects, and other peculiarities. At the same time, however, they are not identical and differ in size, hormone dosage, and duration of action.

So, how about scheduling an appointment with your medical professional and defining what intrauterine device will work best in your individual case?

A vast majority of hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs are intended for professional use. Thus, make sure to consult with your healthcare provider and let them investigate your current health condition before using any of them. This way, you will minimize the risk of unwanted drug interactions, side effects, and adverse reactions.

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