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The Peculiarities of Dysport Aftercare

28 Mar 2024
The Peculiarities of Dysport Aftercare

According to healthcare providers, more and more patients decide to undergo Dysport injections to rejuvenate and enhance their overall appearance in a quick, safe, and minimally invasive way. With their help, they manage to take care of various aesthetic issues related to muscle contraction.

One of the greatest benefits of Dysport treatment is that it does not usually require any special pre- or post-treatment preparation. At the same time, however, there exist several essential rules to follow to ensure the best possible aftercare after a Dysport injection. What exactly they are? Let us find an answer to this question right away!

If you would like to order Dysport online advantageously, rely on DKdermal. Here, you will find a wide range of brand-name dermal filler products and botulinum toxin treatments at beneficial wholesale prices. Moreover, DKdermal is eager to provide its customers with helpful support and reliable delivery.

A Few Words on Dysport

Before delving into the discussion of the main peculiarities of Dysport aftercare, how about checking out the general information about the treatment? Below, you will find the most essential details about Dysport. Feel free to go through them right away to know what to expect from the product.

So, Dysport treatment is a minimally invasive procedure based on muscle relaxation. With its help, thousands of patients worldwide use the product for a variety of medical and cosmetic treatments, starting from the reduction of excessive sweating and ending with the elimination of dynamic wrinkles around the facial oval.

More precisely, Dysport treatments do a great job when it comes to the improvement of the following health and aesthetic issues:

  • Health issues: excessive sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis), lazy eye, overactive bladder, chronic migraine, neck pain, and other problems related to muscle contraction;
  • Aesthetic issues: dynamic wrinkles (including crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, glabellar lines, and so on), visually thin lips, slight facial asymmetry, drooping eyelids, and other problems.

It is also worth mentioning that the composition of Dysport is primarily based on botulinum toxin, a substance produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. While functioning as a powerful muscle relaxant, it temporarily blocks nerve signals attached to muscles around the treated area and, therefore, creates a non-permanent muscle relaxation.

In most cases, Dysport injections (no matter whether they have been used for medical or cosmetic treatments) lead to optimal and continued results that tend to last for rather long periods of time. Most patients are able to enjoy them for half a year. Still, it strongly depends on their health condition, skin type, age, and even lifestyle.

Furthermore, a Dysport injection does not usually create any unwanted complications or adverse reactions (especially if a patient has thoroughly followed the pre-treatment instructions of his or her healthcare provider). Nevertheless, it is possible to experience any of the following side effects after a Dysport procedure:

  • Increased swelling, itching, or redness around the treated areas;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain at the treatment area;
  • Flu-like symptoms;
  • Overall muscle weakness;
  • And so on.

Luckily, these side effects have a temporary character. They tend to fade away in two to five days after the treatment without requiring any medical supervision. Still, both older and younger patients should contact their healthcare providers in case of have any of these or more serious symptoms (such as difficulty swallowing) after a Dysport procedure.

Beautiful woman doing Dysport Aftercare

Top 7 Rules of Dysport Aftercare

Although Dysport treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require any special post-treatment actions, adherence to the following rules of Dysport aftercare will not only maximize the effectiveness of the procedure but also minimize the risk of any complications after it.

#1. Bypass Taking Several Food Supplements

For the first several days after Dysport treatment, it is important to bypass the intake of herbal supplements, alcohol-based medications, aspirin, garlic, vitamin A, vitamin E, and other essential fatty acids. This way, it will be possible to minimize bruising and normalize the blood flow after the procedure.

#2. Eliminate Certain Foods from Your Diet

For the first twenty-four hours after undergoing a Dysport injection, it is preferable to eliminate high-sugar foods, high-sodium foods, and spicy foods. Similar to the avoidance of the above-mentioned food supplements, the elimination of these foods might prevent bruising after the treatment.

#3. Sidestep Strenuous Exercise

One more thing that is preferable to be avoided for the first twenty-four hours after the Dysport treatment is intense exercise. By increasing the blood flow in the body and facial muscles, active sports might substantially reduce both the safety and effectiveness of the procedure and lead to increased swelling of the injection site.

#4. Avoid Wearing Makeup

If Dysport has been administered to reduce facial wrinkles of a patient that appeared due to overactive facial expressions combined with the aging process, it is important not to apply makeup to the treatment zone for the first twenty-four hours after the procedure. This will allow the injection site to regenerate quicker after the procedure.

#5. Stay Away from Direct Sun Exposure

Sun damage might have a devastating impact on the skin, especially after the Dysport treatment (for instance, it might cause the appearance of dark spots, pigmented spots, or premature wrinkles). Therefore, it is exceptionally important to stay away from direct sun exposure and always wear sunscreen when going outside during the spring and summer seasons. This way, a patient will be able to prevent skin damage.

#6. Remain in an Upright Position

For the first several hours after the treatment, it is essential not only to avoid alcohol or facial exercises but also to remain in an upright position. By doing so, a patient will prevent the product from migrating from the intended treatment zone to the surrounding areas of the body or face.

#7. Adhere to Individual Recommendations

“Avoid strenuous exercise,” “Do not take any medical & aesthetic products,” or “Stay in an upright position” are the general recommendations after an injection of Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and other botulinum toxin solutions. However, there is also a chance that a healthcare provider is going to give a patient some individual recommendations to follow after the treatment (for instance, applying an ice pack to the treated area after a topical anesthetic stops working).

A Bottom Line

To sum it all up, regular and continued treatments that involve Dysport might not only function as anti-aging procedures that aim to make wrinkles disappear but also address a wide range of health issues related to muscle contraction. While adherence to the above-mentioned Dysport aftercare rules will help you to get the maximum from the treatment! So, make sure to pay proper attention to them before undergoing the injection!

Post Scriptum

Apart from Botox and Dysport, there exist numerous other products with similar compositions, such as Bocouture or Xeomin. They all might be beneficially bought on DKdermal. So, why not place your order right away and take advantage of reasonable pricing and reliable delivery?

Please remember that only a certified healthcare provider with a valid medical license (such as a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, or a plastic surgeon) is eligible to buy Dysport and administer it under the skin of a patient (both for medical and cosmetic treatments). The main reason for this is that it belongs to products intended for professional use.

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