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17 Sep 2021
Mesotherapy treatment is an incredibly popular cosmetic procedure. The cosmetologists recommend it to patients of various ages and with different problems, but is it really that universal and suitable for everybody. What is mesotherapy? This kind of bio revitalization, better known as mesotherapy, is a procedure for injecting pharmaceutical and ...
10 Sep 2021
What are PDO Threads: Rejuvenation Instead of Masking Polydioxanone threads, commonly referred to as PDO threads, have been known in medicine since the 1980s as absorbable surgical sutures. Recently, however, they have been actively used in aesthetic medicine and occupy one of the first places in a number of modern technologies to fight the signs of ...
9 Aug 2021
The contemporary health care market offers a wide variety of planned parenthood methods. Nowadays, you can prevent pregnancy by means of sterilization, pills, condoms, injections, and even birth control implants. In this article, we will check out the main peculiarities of a contraceptive implant for birth control. Keep reading and find the answers to ...
23 Jul 2021
Botox cosmetic treatment – so many of us have heard about it, but are there a lot of people out there who actually know its working principle? If you are among those curious personalities, we are happy to tell you that all basic info is gathered here. Easy, quick, and understandable. DKdermal is a licensed […]
9 Jul 2021
Dermal filler injections are such a common and wildly used procedure in the twenty-first century, almost everyone is aware of how do they work, what skin imperfections can be eliminated with its help, and where to go to receive the first-class treatment. DKdermal offers a wide range of dermal fillers, you can buy dermal fillers, […]
25 Jun 2021
Mesotherapy for hair, weight loss, facial wrinkles… I am sure you heard about such procedures and maybe even considered doing one yourself, and of course, you wondered whether it is the same treatment, what it is in general, how it works, and is it effective at all. If you are a medical professional, you can […]
1 Apr 2021
Age-related changes of the skin are normal for every person. With time, everyone starts noticing wrinkles and folds appear on the face and neck, lost volume, and flabby face contour. But thankfully, aesthetic medicine made it possible to improve all those flaws with the help of fillers for the skin. Buy Dermal Fillers at Dkdermal […]
13 Jan 2021
Beauty requires sacrifice! We totally disagree with this statement and claim that beauty demands times, efforts, and devotion. It needs comprehensive daily routine care and attention to the main problems. And she wants high-quality and reliable means, especially this is topical, when we talk about the beauty of the skin. To keep it fresh, smooth, […]

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